Extraordinary Work: Conversations about Creating Change
Your career can expand beyond your job or your title. It can be a platform for you to reach others by becoming a catalyst for change in your corner of the world. "Extraordinary Work: Conversations about Creating Change" explores the idea that in any role or industry, you have the opportunity to realize your greater purpose. I’m Terry Yoffe, certified executive, career and business coach; and, I believe one story or one person can create a ripple effect that makes a difference. These heartfelt conversations are meant to provide inspiration and wisdom that can propel you to a more fulfilling life. I’ll even provide strategic coaching to help you embrace your own extraordinary work now. Stay Connected: www.trycoaching.com Instagram: @TerryYoffe LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/trycoaching/
Extraordinary Work: Conversations about Creating Change
Ep. 37 - Listen to One GEN Zer’s Approach to Shaping the Future with Brielle Wohlenhaus
Terry Yoffe
Episode 37
My guest is Brielle Wohlenhaus, who at 22 years old, is creating change and making a difference by being a voice for her generation, GEN Z.
Brielle talks about how she is empowering young individuals to unlock their full potential by making wise decisions, rising above peer pressure, creating goals and forging through obstacles.
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