Extraordinary Work: Conversations about Creating Change
Extraordinary Work: Conversations about Creating Change
Ep. 41 - Did You Know Your Nervous System is an Underutilized Leadership Tool with Carolyn Swora
Carolyn Swora, trauma-informed leadership consultant, coach and author of Evolve: The Path to Trauma-Informed Leadership shares with us how workplace trauma affects everyone.
Trauma is stored in our body and impacts everything we do, think say or believe. Carolyn talks with us about how she is creating change in the business world by working with leaders to help them understand and uncover their behavioral patterns so they can become more human centered leaders.
Carolyn's contact information:
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/carolynswora
Instagram: @carolynswora
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/carolynsworkplaceculture/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CarolynSwora
Website: https://www.carolynswora.com/
Please visit my website at https://trycoaching.com/
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