Extraordinary Work: Conversations about Creating Change
Extraordinary Work: Conversations about Creating Change
Ep. 44 - Can the Legal Industry Change with Carl Shawn Watkins
There’s always one person in the crowd who's not afraid to stand up and say NO/WAIT A MINUTE to the norm.
That person is Carl Shawn Watkins, lawyer extraordinaire who calls himself - Mr. Vulnerability.
Carl is speaking up and out in the legal industry. His mission, passion and purpose is to create a new breed of lawyers that believe true leadership is not found in the absence of vulnerability but in the courage to embrace it.
Have a listen and see why he believes: Everything you want is right on the other side of Vulnerability.
Carl's information:
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/carlshawnwatkins
Twitter: https://twitter.com/carlswatkins
Email: cswatkins1@gmail.com
Website: http://carlshawnwatkins.com/
Please visit my website at https://trycoaching.com/
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